Real Estate Investing

An Introduction to Real Estate Investing

Wall Street is a rollercoaster of uncertainty, fear, “too good to be true” highs and way too painful lows. If you place all of your money in the market, international economies, insider trading, corporate greed, Ponzi schemes, politics and war can all affect your financial security.

happy family at home

Real Estate investing offers a greater degree of stability and control to the savvy investor. With real estate, you’re not investing in an intangible financial concept or an industry you know nothing about — you’re investing in actual physical assets: homes people live in. Your investment properties might look different that the home you live in, but the investment concept is the same:

Sell for more than you paid, or

Rent for a nice, steady profit

With real estate investing, you can laser target an opportunity, weigh the pros and cons, plan to recoup your money when you need to, and limit your overall risk by diversifying your investments. The Umbrella Group, LLC is constantly identifying properties that can be flipped, seller financed (at rates up to 12%) or purchased as lucrative rental properties (often with a stable renter already in the home).

Umbrella Group, LLC offers these Real Estate Investment Opportunities:

Rapid Turnaround Remodeling — Flipping

Real Estate Development

Rental Property Ownership